welcome to my blog

Hi.Welcome to my blog!i'm an animation student at Art Institute of Salt Lake City.
I enjoy Art in many forms but my dream job is to be a concept designer!
I believe by working really hard and learning new things everyday anyone can achieve their dream.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

femme fatale

This is my final project for advanced drawing for animation class.
we have been working on a squirrel character, mine is a seductive femme fatale, one of a negative characters in story!
i had so many different designs, A LOT of sketching over and over, lots of pages! and this is my final choice.

Trinquette challenge 3

This is for 2 Weeks ago , Trinquétte Publishing Hold a weekly contest, give u some model pictures and you can recreate and draw them in your own style!
i haven't done 2 weeks in row,was busy with school but planning on doing it every week this summer and hopefully i can improve!